How to Navigate Your Account



Tips and Links to More Information

To view tips as you navigate through the application, click on the  icon nearby text for more information pertaining to that topic. If a tip is very long, you can close it by clicking the “X” in the top right corner, otherwise clicking anywhere outside the tip will close it. To view more information on a topic as you navigate, look for links labeled MORE INFO to be directed to related information.



The circles connected by lines at the top of the page labeled Start, Household, People, etc. are called “Breadcrumbs”.  These breadcrumbs are used to help you navigate through the application.  They are color and symbol coded as follows:

A Red circle with an exclamation mark (!) and labeled in capital letters, shows your current location.   For Start, Household, and People, there is only one screen to complete.  For the rest of the breadcrumbs there are multiple screens to complete which are shown as a row of tabs below the breadcrumbs.  For example: Income has 4 different screens (tabs) – Employment, Self-Employment, Other Income and Yearly Income.

A Green circle with a check shows a page you have already been to – If you want to quickly go back to review what you entered in a previous area, you can select the breadcrumb and then the tab you want to review.

Open circles with 3 dots are pages you have not been to yet.  You cannot navigate directly to these breadcrumbs.



Within a breadcrumb there can be more related screens.  Each screen is in a “tab” shown below the breadcrumbs.  

Bolded Blue Line and capital letters on the Tab Label shows your current location

Blue Line Under Tab Label or a page you have already been to – If you want to quickly go back to review what you entered on a previous tab, you can select the tab you want to review.

Gray Letters or pages you have not been to yet – You cannot navigate directly to any gray tabs.  Selecting next will bring you to the next required tab.




This button gives you the chance to add any facts or details about your household that you want the District Office to know as they review this application. The button appears on each screen. You can enter a total of 2000 characters in the comments box. “Characters” means letters, numbers, or symbols, and also spaces and punctuation.

Some examples of what you might enter in the comments are:

If the system would not let you correct information that we had pre-filled for you, you could explain the circumstances;

The best times to reach you by phone;

Changes coming for your household, such as a job beginning or ending in the near future, a household member joining or leaving, etc.;

Anything else you think is important for the District Office to know for your application.



This button will bring you back to the previous page in your application.


This button will bring you to the next page of information we need to collect.


You have the right to immediately submit your application for SNAP as long as it contains at least the applicant’s name, address and the signature of a responsible household member or the household’s authorized representative. However, we will be able to more quickly figure out if you can get benefits if you complete the entire application. Click Submit to file the application at any time.

Summary Screens

If you have previously applied for a program we may already have information about the people in your household in our system.  If so, this information will be pre-filled on the Summary screen.  All you have to do in these circumstances is to update the information.  If it is still accurate, then you can just select Next on the bottom of the page.

Edit - To view and update the complete information, select the Edit button next to that individual’s name.

Delete - You can also remove any individual’s information, by selecting the Delete button next to their name.  When you select the delete button you will see a pop-up that asks if you want to permanently delete this row.  

To add another entry in the Details, select the specific Add button located on the bottom left of the Summary screen.